h5s r10.0 released 全面支持国产CPU(龙芯 鲲鹏 飞腾)


10.0 1105 2019
1. Add GB28181 up register to GB28181 platform.
2. Optimize GB28181 PS stream parse performance.
3. Add GB28181 configuration page in h5sconsole.
4. Update h5sconsole setting page.
5. Add watermark in h5sconsole page.
6. Add KunPeng armv8 support. 
7. Add phytium  armv8 support.
8. Add loongson3 support.
9. Add advance playback timeline support in h5sconsole.
10. Remove DAHUA SDK offline camera.
11. Add DAHUASDK H.265 support.
12. Add GB28181 H265 support is GB28181 device support.

h5s 已经可以在鲲鹏CPU上稳定运行


h5stream 从10.0 以后开始全面支持armv8 架构,包括鲲鹏CPU在内,支持国产的基于armv8 的多核arm CPU, 最新的版本可以在下面的的路径下载


下载后解压,并执行  ./h5ss.sh 即可运行。注意在linux 解压, 比如 tar zxvf h5s-r10.0.0924.19-linux-armv8-64bit.tar.gz


鲲鹏通用计算增强型 | kc1.large.2 | 2vCPUs | 4GB

CentOS 7.6 64bit with ARM

上述的测试用的是Centos 7,但是理论上其他操作系统也是可以的,在编译的时候我们把包括c++基础库在内的库都包含在了发布包里。

h5s r9.8 released 支持ONVIF语音对讲和HIKSDK报警


9.8 0923 2019
1. Add playback page in h5sconsole.
2. Add snapshot page in h5sconsole.
3. Add event page in h5sconsole.
4. If GB28181 device name size is 0, user GBID as device name. 
5. Add GB28181 SearchRecord support, and user can playback/archive in h5sconsole.
6. Fix Archive speed > 1.0 don't have audio issue.
7. Add html5 local storage for WS/RTC in webui.
8. Add HIK SDK motion event support.
9. Optimize AAC encoder for Video & Audio sync for mp4 record file.

h5s r9.6 released 全面支持辅码流


9.6 0818 2019
1. Change src/device default H5_ALWAYS to H5_ONDEMAND.
2. Add stream=main and stream=sub for ONVIF and HIVISION SDK/DAHUA SDK.
3. Add stream select(main sub) in h5sconsole.
4. Add GetSrcWithoutDevice API to get all camera which added to h5s.
5. Add autoplay in pbconf for playback from device without call start() after connect().
6. Cloud mode support dynamic  channel change.
7. Device SDK  channel support cloud push.
8. Fix playback playtime callback can't work issue.

H5S R9.5 发布

9.5 0805 2019
1. SearchDeviceRecordByTime from HIKVISION SDK time range split by 15mins
2. Add a configure to force load all the channel of Device.
3. Fix some time Linux Media SDK for GPU transcoding crash issue.
4. Fix ManualRecordStart with alwayscreate can't stop issue.
5. Fix RTMP push some time already publishing issue.
6. Fix Archive doesn't have audio issue.