H5S R11.0 RELEASED WITH GPU转码 微信扫扫看视频
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10.4 0110 2020
1.Select main stream when there has no sub stream such as GB28181 and RTSP.
2.Add 监控点 configuration UI and API.
3.Add HikVISION iSecure Center platform integration support.
4.Add GB28181 SSRC check item, default disable SSRC check.
5.Change GB28181 default keepalive timeout from 120s to 7200s.
6.Change cloud default keepalive from 3s to 15s.
7.Add GB28181 reboot and refresh API.
8.Add DHSDK record search support.
9.Fix DHSDK playback ts update not correct issue.
10.Default load all channel for SDK.
10.3 1215 2019
1.Add cloud keepalive time interval configuration in cloud conf, default is 3s.
2.Add cloud mode playback from Device SDK support.
3.Add GB platform parameter check.
4.Add GB platform configuration on the fly support.
5.Fix HIK/DH SDK reconnect device online not correct issue.
6.Update kernel.pid_max in the Linux Performance setting.
7.Update live view UI.
8.Add GB28181 bEnableCascade configuration item.
10.1 1115 2019
1. Fix RTSP H.265 transcoding failed issue.
2. Add DAHUA SDK alarm event support.
3. Optimize RTSP for tour.
4. Optimize RTSP for Windows 2008/2012 long running.
5. Update h5sconsole logo.