15.1 0411 2022
Added: Add GPU list and usage API.
Added: Algo server for remote transcoding.
Added: Add transcoding bitrate auto mode and fixed mode.
Added: Transcoding max session limit.
Added: NVIDIA mulit GPU transcoding support.
Added: Windows D3D11 transcoding support.
Added: Transcoding CPU and GPU auto balance select.
Added: Transcoding RTS pool config UI.
Added: Transcoding VP9 experiment profile if GPU support VP9 Encode.
Added: GPU auto and GPU only profile default.
Added: Transcoding auto tracking source stream bitrate(H5_BITRATE_AUTO).
Added: GB28181 跨域 Catalog SUBSCRIPTION support.
Added: Add a idle status for HIK DH SDK for the channel don't connect any camera.
Added: Digital PTZ in webUI.
Added: HIKSDK ISAPI streaming mode.
Added: Uniview B200 VMS support.
Added: add libnsl to release package.
Added: RTSP RTMP relay auth support.
Added: Internal netwrok Turn server configuration.
Changed: Use HIK ISAPI to get the video codec type.
Changed: IVS device status timeout change to 65s.
Fixed: sandbox mode tcp stream receivce issue.
Fixed: ISC connction memory issue when network is slow.
Fixed: Some HIK NVR don't support preset name get, just use default.
Fixed: Some video stream only Iframe can't decode and save to jpeg failed(add a Pframe).
Fixed: HIKSDK DHSDK cloud connect can't get channel name and status issue.
Fxied: DHSDK camera can't get channel name issue.
15.0 1101 2021
Added: Add force to refesh poster for WS and RTC.
Added: Add H5S_EVENT_HIK_VCA for hik Deepmind NVR, multipart EVENT_JSON is in based64 encode.
Added: Add GB28181 audio intercom support.
Added: Add Archive snapshot from NVR/DVR record video.
Added: Add snapshot event.
Added: Add DAHUA SDK armv8 support.
Added: Disable /device/deviceList/ check for IVS if the API take more than 10s.
Changed: Change linux delete core file from 5 to 2.
Changed: HIK infov force RTSP TCP mode.
Fixed: HUAWEI IVS playback seek begin time issue.
Fixed: Playback popup cache remove.
Fixed: DH 8k(multi slice) play issue.
Fixed: HIK infov viewshed non standard json issue.
Fixed: HIK infov playback search issue.
Fixed: auth mode http push api can't used issue.